August 28, 2015

Great Skin = Strong Bones

Women's Wrinkles and Relation to Bone Density

Scientific studies have now revealed that a women’s
bone density can be determined by
examining her wrinkles 
during her first few years of menopause.

According to these studies, the worse a woman skin wrinkles are during the first few years of menopause, the lower her bone density is. 

Conducted on over 114 women in their late 40's and early 50's who had their last menstrual period within the past three years and who were not taking hormone therapy.

The women were given scores for face and neck wrinkles based on a number of sites with wrinkles and on the depth of the wrinkles. 

Moreover, the skin firmness or rigidity was measured at the forehead and the cheek with a device called a durometer. 

Great Skin = Strong Bones

Besides that participants also underwent measurement of bone density by dual X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) and by a portable heel ultrasound device. The researchers found a significant opposite correlation between the wrinkle score and bone density, means higher the score of wrinkles (or the more wrinkles these women had), the lower the bone density. This relationship was evident at all skeletal sites: hip, lumbar spine and heel. This was independent of age, body composition or other factors known to influence bone density.

So, how do I maintain strong bones?
What this means for us ladies, is the stronger the bones - the more youthful we can stay as we age. To be realistic this is a lifelong process. While in my teens my diet was horrible, but I played sports and had a vigorous exercise program everyday (1-2 hours at the gym, aerobic/weights. In my twenties practiced acid/alkline approach to eating and living. This revolutionized my health. And in my thirties consumed only green products: green drinks, AFA algae from Klammath lake. Didn't really even care to drink water. The green drinks and algae were my daily beverage - and very high in calcium/magnesium.

Did you know that over-the-counter or prescribed calcium has a very high incidence of settling in the venous system? This basically clogs the pipes of our heart and cardiac system. Not good for the blood, the heart and the entire circulation system. This has been a problem with heart patients with an incidence of atherosclerosis, and proven in numerous cardiology findings to contribute to heart attack. So my thinking has always been that if it is not getting to bone and settling in the venous system, why do it? Why not go back to nature for the answers to bone health?

SOLUTION: Bone Density
There are great sources of calcium from plants, roses, but watch the corn sources (corn contains a high level of molds from the tusks). Even broccoli has been known to be higher in calcium than cow's milk. The Nutrition Almanac has been a great source to see what foods are known for their mineral makeup. It's not gospel truth, because every broccoli batch depend on growers care, soil, and shipping - GMO. My favorite product to take for a calcium supplement to my daily diet is Trace Minerals Company. It's a calcium liquid. I have trusted this particular product for many years and will continue to call it the best. The have an array of other minerals that are needed to build and maintain bone density.

Make good choices with your health 
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