Systemic Oral Enzyme Offer Real Hope for MS Patients
(Excerpt from "The Doctor's Oral Enzyme Health Letter", (1997)
Over 20 years ago, Dr. Max Wolf reported of his frequent success in achieving remissions in intermittent MS by administering Wobenzyme N, a patented, medically validated systemic oral enzyme preparation available over-the-counter in the United States.
These initial results were confirmed by Dr. Christina Neuhofer who repeatedly published her own extensive therapeutic experiences using Wobenzym N. In an early report of results among 150 of her patients, chronic MS was evident in 107 and intermittent in progression in 43.
FLOWER CHILD: A substantial improvement took place in 43 of 150 women with chronic progressive MS! That is remarkable considering that we have not found ANYTHING in our research that improves this degenerative disease. This illness will just continue to wear they body out. Western protocol for MS assists in attempting to curb the disease from further progression but not improvement or reversing the symptoms.
Why did Wobenzym work so well? To a large extent, the answer rests with the type of enzymes contained in Wobenzym. These are proteolytic enzymes, which cleave other proteins. While under normal physiological condition, proteolytic enzymes maintain homeostasis in the healthy body, they also break down aberrant proteins that may arise during various diseases. Thus, in basic research and several tens of clinical studies carried out over the years under the auspices of MUCOS Pharma, Wobenzym has been found to degrade, for example, harmful and abnormal immune complexes that precipitate autoimmune diseases. Furthermore, immune complexes also thicken the blood, which potentially could trigger an array of diseases. These studies are a matter of public domain, and may be readily retrieved.
In fact, after some 50 years of Dr. Wolf's work, we have come full circle. Dr. Wolf started his research to find a cure for cancer. After decades of diligent work, almost remarkable determination and scientific insights, proteolytic enzymes have been shown to help cancer patients. Thus, Wobe-Mugos, a sister product to MUCOS' flagship product Wobenzym, is under consideration by the United States FDA for Orphan Drug status as adjuvant therapy for multiple myeloma, which is the cancer of B cells in the blood. In addition, Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez, affiliated with Cornell University Medical School in New York, has worked tirelessly to show that proteolytic enzymes are effective in the clinical management of pancreatic cancer. In recognition of his painstaking work, Dr. Gonzalez has been awarded a research grant by the National Cancer Institute to carry out a clinical trial. Undoubtedly, the work of scores of scientists and physicians over the decades deserves recognition, which has made this sea change possible. By the same token, however, it is also a testament to the insights, vision, and belief that Dr. Wolf had in his work.
Technology and Entrepreneurism
The story of science is replete with coincidences, which make things turn for the better. Dr. Karl Ransberger's association with Drs. Wolf and Benitez was one such event that ushered in the era of systemic enzyme therapy. In addition to being an accomplished researcher, Dr. Ransberger also had an entrepreneurial streak, which he used to make systemic enzyme the world's premier preparation, and maintains even today to chart new trails in enzyme therapy. Professional association between Dr. Ransberger and his mentor Dr. Wolf soon develop into business partnership and life-long friendship. When Drs. Ransberger and Wolf decided to move back to Germany with this truly innovative enzyme preparation for its time, in recognition of the work by Drs. Wolf and Benitez, it was given the name WoBeEnzym.. Over the past 45 years, Wobenzym has become a household name in Germany in particular but also in other European countries as well. Furthermore, Wobenzym is recognized all over the world with MUCOS Pharma's subsidiaries in countries such as Argentina, Mexico, Spain, Czech Republic, India, Pakistan, Korea, New Zealand and, of course, the United States.
The story of science is replete with coincidences, which make things turn for the better. Dr. Karl Ransberger's association with Drs. Wolf and Benitez was one such event that ushered in the era of systemic enzyme therapy. In addition to being an accomplished researcher, Dr. Ransberger also had an entrepreneurial streak, which he used to make systemic enzyme the world's premier preparation, and maintains even today to chart new trails in enzyme therapy. Professional association between Dr. Ransberger and his mentor Dr. Wolf soon develop into business partnership and life-long friendship. When Drs. Ransberger and Wolf decided to move back to Germany with this truly innovative enzyme preparation for its time, in recognition of the work by Drs. Wolf and Benitez, it was given the name WoBeEnzym.. Over the past 45 years, Wobenzym has become a household name in Germany in particular but also in other European countries as well. Furthermore, Wobenzym is recognized all over the world with MUCOS Pharma's subsidiaries in countries such as Argentina, Mexico, Spain, Czech Republic, India, Pakistan, Korea, New Zealand and, of course, the United States.
Technology Development
Before this success became possible, numerous scientific and technical challenges had to be met and overcome. One of the major challenges was to preserve the integrity of the enzymes during the manufacturing process. Enzymes are notoriously fragile: Exposure to heat deactivates them. In addition, even the slightest exposure to moisture prods them to chewing themselves up. That is the nature of the beasts. Enzymes contained in Wobenzym are proteins, and proteolytic enzymes do break themselves down (auto-proteolysis) -- quite like the snake that cannibalizes itself by chewing on its own tail.
That was the challenge that faced Dr. Ransberger in the early 1960s: Namely, how to stabilize the enzymes while purifying them in large quantities with the highest potency. Purity and potency of enzymes is absolutely necessary to be effective. Dr. Ransberger was at the forefront of the efforts to develop the technology to achieve these goals. Under his leadership, scientists and researchers developed techniques that ensured that the enzymes are purified to the highest possible degree and are stabilized such that their biological activity is retained.

Like his mentor Dr. Wolf, the driving force for Dr. Ransberger's hard work, dedication and commitment was to help people. That is the reason, the innovations at MUCOS did not stop in the 1960s. For example, today, MUCOS Pharma isolates chymotrypsin, one of the enzymes in Wobenzym, by state-of-the-art column chromatography. Over the years, breakthrough thinking combined with a burning desire to find safe and wholesome healthcare solutions has been the hallmark of MUCOS' mission. It is the result of Dr. Ransberger's lifelong focus, scientific and technological expertise and a businessman's acumen that today Wobenzym is world's most-renowned enzyme preparation.
By persistent efforts, extensive research and development, and innovative technology, Dr. Ransberger found a way to stabilize enzymes to withstand the harsh processing during manufacturing. It is this patented technology that MUCOS Pharma uses to not only extract enzymes from their sources but also to stabilize them such that enzymes retain their full biological activity. Without maximal activity, an enzyme preparation is not what it is cut out to be. That is the reason, MUCOS Pharma, and its North American corporate partner, Marlyn Nutraceuticals, stands foursquare behind Wobenzym.
Enzymes facilitate the smooth commerce of the bodily functions. They are an indispensable part of human health and disease. For good reason, then, in 1966, the editor of the Scottish Medical Journal editorialized thus in 1966: "Probably nearly half of our daily production of protein in the body consists of enzymes. Indeed, each of us, as with all living organisms, could be regarded as an orderly succession of enzymatic reactions."
FLOWER CHILD: Wow! That is a 42% improvement in cases that presented with chronic progressive MS. I highly recommend this product to any family/person with MS. It has no known side effects.
How Enzymes Protect the Myelin Sheath
A healthy nerve cell with endings (axons). The coating of the nerve filaments contains periodic constrictions known as the node's of Ranvier which enable a more rapid conduction of the nerve impulse. The enlargements reveals a cross section of the nerve fiber and this coating.
Immune complexes and autoantibodies are bonded to the myelin sheath of the nerve fibers. Complement proteins accumulate (to form complexes) and subsequently activate the complement cascade. With the aid of adhesion molecules, a special, sensitized, cytoclastic T lymphocyte attempts to dock onto the myelin sheath. This myelin sheath in inflamed and larger segments have already been destroyed.
Enzymes break down the immune complexes and autoantibodies. They thereby reduce the complement reaction and prevent consequent destruction of the myelin sheath. The adhesion molecules of the cytoclastic lymphoycytes are altered to such an extent that the accumulation of these cells within the myelin sheath does not take place. Enzymes are unable to repair the damage which has already occurred, but the extent of the inflammation can be reduced.
FLOWER CHILD: This is so interesting to me. So, Wobenzym N, when taken at the recommended dosage actually breaks down these harmful immune complexes from the myelin sheath, preventing further damage. These special enzymes WILL NOT rebuild the damaged sheath, but it will prevent further damage at the rate it has been occurring. It will also address the pain by reducing the inflammation.