April 4, 2023

Coping with the Changes

By Lisa Dawn Sheridan, MAOM, Bfrp (2023)

✿ Try flower essences for all emotional imbalancesLife is all about change. And maybe it is about to change again and again before the end of the day. The ability to respond to the needed changes is what the phrase “cope-ability” displays.

The level of stress you are currently dealing with may cause the brain to function less efficiently, to age rapidly, or even hopeless feelings of emotion -- depending on how you cope. The science of PNI (psycho-neuro-immunology), has captured the notion that how well you “cope” is how great you look and feel. It is the way we adjust to our outside world. Coping mechanisms are the key to adjusting your mindset so that you can continue to accomplish your goals, and hopefully your dreams.

Natural Coping Skills
1.   Lower your heart rate daily. Find a space and time to dedicate to the adapting of what you would image your greatest struggle. Effective examples: regular flow yoga, deep meditation, pranic breathing, and of course massage therapy.
2.   From the moment you awake, a restful night of sleep is your best medicine. Take a measure of how many times you need to reset your homeostatic (balance) gauge. If just waking up is stressful from not sleeping you can easily be stressed out so doubletime the above heart rate exercises.
3.    ❤ Key: Understanding the adrenal function. Even the basics. If you need an afternoon nap, or feel like one everyday. If you have overworked yourself over time and know that adrenals are needing nurturing. The very best and quickest way to resolve hormonal/glandular imbalance from stress is a combination of royal jelly and bee pollen.

Let’s face it, some people just deal with stress better. On the surface the more sensitive types may show passionate emotional releases. Then, they are the one’s to turn around and heal the quickest as well. Finding optimism, guidance, and knowing how to reset the stress clock to coping mechanisms are crucial to overcome negative setbacks on the PNI scale.
Remembering when things look their worst, “you are only a thought away from change”, as the unforgettable Dr. Wayne Dyer reminds us from “Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life”. Strength become most apparent right after shifting and now allowing negativity to take place at any level or fiber of your constitution.
Wherever you are on the cope-ability skill set – there is one thing for sure. As we live, age, make important decisions about our future, our ability to cope will be essential to making it through. Because the fact is that everything will be in the past, and lessons learned are the goal of our life mission and destiny. Being more indigo and offering the world your best. It’s a great way to be alive.

✿ Try flower essences for all emotional imbalances.

Understanding the adrenal function. Even the basics. If you need an afternoon nap, or feel like one everyday. If you have overworked yourself over time and know that adrenals are needing nurturing. The very best and quickest way to resolve hormonal/glandular imbalance from stress is a combination of royal jelly and bee pollen.

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