HealthTalk with Lisa-Dawn, The Flower Child
Why is it we need to look so closely at water purity for our heart health safety? Smart doctors have been warning their patients about calcium supplementation and statin drugs for years now. At the rate that prescriptions are being given to those who have valid medical problems, the awareness on the part of the patient as to the potential side effects of what they may eat, drink and even have as their drinking water can interfere with their prescribed drug(s). This needs to be supported at the doctors office and continued education on the part of the patient. These principles can be life saving.
When a drug is administered, a list of items that should be avoided is part of good patient education, but if your doctor does not have that kit-glove time, it is the responsibility of each person to find this information from the important pharmaceutical data supplied from the pharmacy with each drug.
People say that all of the warnings scare them. Some say they want to know what to think, that it is too complicated, and they just take the drug because their doctor said to. Unfortunately most say they never knew.
Every where you go people have an opinion about the water they drink. Some people don't even care and just drink the tap out of some delusion that it is good for them. And for the rest of us, it seems too complicated to figure out what water is good.
Around 12 years ago, I headed a research project that would help me to find the safest drinking water, as most waters would make me sick to my stomach right after I would take a drink, even a professed "purified water" from a clean plastic gallon. Chemists, scientists, lay people of all sort were interviewed for this research project, their water was assayed and the fun began.
There was so much to know about the most important substance in our body. There are meters to test how alkaline the water is, but apparently that is the wrong way to test purity. Most purifiers that are alkalizing the water also, are not true "purifiers". And when distilling was once good practice, now will prove unworkable with today's need for nutrients.
People are confused by big company marketing and getting sucked into $4,000.00 purchases, all in the name of finding good water for themselves and their families. I have watched patients that didn't have money for food, borrow money to buy products like this. They earnestly found the money and gave it to the uneducated "distributor" (salesman) who was selling an ionic calcium carbonate alkalizer. After a week of drinking this water, he said he felt better but there was a strange whitish film that built up on the inside of his large water bottle after a week.
He brought the bottle in to our clinic to ask us what we thought. It was apparent that there was a film. The question we had was the obvious. Why would a product that professes so much health offerings have an obvious film residue? We analyzed the film to find that it was the calcium carbonate that we originally suspected as that was how this company was "alkalizing" their water, before cleaning it to a true purified state.
Our recommendation, after considering the potential health impact of this certain brand of water machine, was to have the patient take back the water purifier for one that we have well researched and found safe. Previous to this, he was prescribed a statin drug from his doctor to lower his cholesterol (his blood pressure was being affected by the high cholesterol levels in his blood).
Due to the fact that calcium is being found during biopsies as one of the key components in arterio/atheroschlerosis and clogged arteries - calcium residues can potentially build up in the blood vessels and block arteries. This has not factored in drug residue and other pollutants from the environment.
So, if calcium carbonate to alkalize drinking water is a problem why is everyone buying these machines (and other forms of calcium ionizers)? We would have to have a chemistry degree to truly know that this would be a sound purchase. So, what does one do? After more research we found that some of the companies offering calcium carbonate can also offer a magnesium carbonate. Again, alkalizing does not clean the water. Period.
Magnesium is a common deficiency. As long as the magnesium particles can be assimilated by the body, this is a good solution to use AFTER the vital purification process is completed. The water machine that we recommend has a 5-part filtration, including a resin compound that will extract flouride (as this is never taken out with any other process). So essentially get a R.O. (reversed osmosis), anti flouride resin filter - should be filtering 5 times - test your TDS - and use magnesium bi-carbonate as the alkalizing agent.
If you cannot afford to buy one of these machines, make sure that you are purchasing clean water from a dispensing location that may use the above processing. As close as the water can get to a pure state at the beginning the process is the best.
Think of nature. When water spills forth from spring is close to a pure state from the natural processes of the earth. Then as it trickles down the streambed it is remineralized by the HUMIC AND FULVIC acids that nature is abundant in. These minerals are vey important to balanced health and wellness. Before modern times this is how we drank water.
Now that we live in a time when clean, safe water is not readily available we cannot just drink tap water because we are afraid of reading the labels. In 2002 the EPA complete a study - showing that cancer causing agents exist in dangerous levels in our nations tap water.
The EPA study concluded that there were:
more than 260 toxic chemicals detected in our nations tap water
141 of these chemicals - directly linked to cancer
52 of these chemicals - directly linked to reproductive toxicity
41 of these chemicals - directly linked to developmental toxicity
36 chemical that are directly linked to immune system damage
The EPA study concluded that there were:
more than 260 toxic chemicals detected in our nations tap water
141 of these chemicals - directly linked to cancer
52 of these chemicals - directly linked to reproductive toxicity
41 of these chemicals - directly linked to developmental toxicity
36 chemical that are directly linked to immune system damage