July 28, 2015

HEALTH: Xylitol, a Great Sugar Substitute

 Xylitol:  A Great Tasting Sugar Substitute for Diabetics

Xylitol is one of the natural sugar substitutes as opposed to artificial sweeteners such as aspartame and sucralose.  It is derived from fruit such as plums, pears and strawberries and birch bark or corn husks with approximately the same sweetness and taste as sugar.

In fact, xylitol tastes really great, more like sugar than any other sugar substitute!.  It has been approved for use in foods, oral health products and pharmaceutical products in over 35 countries around the world.

The only known side effect of xylitol is that excessive consumption can cause diarrhea.
Another unique quality of xylitol is that it prevents plaque on the teeth thus helping to prevent tooth decay.  It has bactericidal properties and does not create an acid environment in the mouth.
But there's more, xylitol can help to prevent and cure nasal infections.  In a medical study of this remarkable sweetener, using a nasal spray prepared with this sugar substitute, helped to clear up infections in children. 

More About Xylitol

Because xylitol is slowly absorbed by the body, it does not cause an excessive rise in blood sugar or insulin response.  One of the best qualities of this sweetener is that it can be substituted in many recipes for the same amount of sugar.  One teaspoon has only 10 calories with a glycemic index of 7.

Of course the results in baked goods will not be exactly the same as with sugar but in most cases, xylitol makes a very good alternative to artificial sugar substitutes for diabetics.

July 25, 2015

COSMETIC NEWS: Smiley Perfume Makes Me Smile

Smiley Perfume 
Bottles up... and P.E.A. those bad hair days away!

As seen in Psychology Today, Smiley Perfume is getting the raves of consumers domestically. These ingenious perfume makers have infused two main active ingredients:

Theobromine - natural ingredient in chocolate, natural aphrodisiac
P.E.A.(Phenyl-Ethyl-Amine), or the LOVE molecule in our brain

Another Source of P.E.A.
You may not know that this "feel-good chemical" is found abundantly in the AFA species of blue/green algae. A natural feel good chemical the has been deemed, "the love molecule", in our brain is released when we fall in love.

July 15, 2015

Nuclear: Mental Disorders Threat Over Cancer

Japan: Protests 3 Years After Fukushima
Nuclear: Mental Disorders Threat Over Cancer 

Does anyone question what Fukushima did to our oceans and shores - fish by the millions washing up, surfers getting strange bacterial infections? Should we be concerned that those who are getting sick the most is the anticipation of getting sick and the fear of sickness or getting cancer like someone in their family or one of their friends. Even years later the dosimeter can detect radiation in the environment worldwide.

Here is what Fukushima Medical University in Japan, says:
"Although the radiation dose to the public from Fukushima was relatively low, and no discernible physical health effects are expected, psychological and social problems, largely stemming from the differences in risk perceptions, have had a devastating impact on people's lives."
Although health risks are downplayed by the university - if fish are dying, and not a few - we may just want to look at the realities and not just thinking ourselves into a fear based frenzy. There are solutions to our mistakes like the massive nuclear accident or even more evident "Chernobyl's", of our planet.

 437 nuclear power plants around the world

With 437 nuclear power plants around the world, the risk of leaks and an unfortunate accident can and may happen in AGAIN our lifetime. So since we are a solution based blog, we hope that our readers will research the following and be prepared. Why fear when you have weapons of wellness?

For one, potassium iodide is a natural remedies that can be taken when you are aware that the locate dosimeter count is up in your area. Where do you get such a remedy? And when should you take it? It is advised that you consult your doctor (if you have a doctor) to have a licensed physician recommend this remedy. It is absorbed into the thyroid and those individuals with thyroid conditions should proceed with caution taking this remedy.

Also, protect yourself in your daily purchases. Why eat sick fish? Kind of a no-brainer. Whole Foods Market has a small handout in the fish department (you have to ask), or available online. The dangers of methyl-mercury can cause serious physical health diseases in the brain, liver, and joints that are affected by high levels of mercury.
Also see MGN3.

WHAT IS POTASSIUM IODIDE: http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/297591.php
POTASSIUM IODIDE $3.84: http://www.iherb.com/World-Organic-Liquid-Potassium-Iodide-2-fl-oz-59-ml/7775?gclid=CMS7stTMjscCFU2TfgodAGADAA
WHAT FISH IS HEALTHY? http://www.wholefoodsmarket.com/about-our-products/food-safety/methylmercury-seafood

July 11, 2015

HEALTH: Sulfites in wine may be affecting 5% of population (allergy/asthma)


"The most common adverse reactions, including wheezing, chest tightness and coughing are estimated to affect 5 to 10% of people with asthma. Symptoms are more likely when asthma is poorly controlled. However, adverse reactions to sulfites can also occur when there is no preceding history of asthma. Reactions can be mild through to potentially life threatening." [1]


The FDA says that one person out of 100 is considered
highly allergic to sulfites. According to Dr. Vincent Marinkovich, an allergist and clinical immunologist who has performed extensive research on SO 2, sulfites pose no danger to about 99.75% of the population; the highest risk group are asthmatics (about 5% of the population) and only about 5% of this group is allergic to sulfites.

Many people, however, have little tolerance for sulfites. They are considered sulfite-sensitive. Even for moderate wine drinkers, the average level of sulfites found in many commercial wines can cause heartburns or other side effects. Unpleasant reactions include burning sensations, hives, cramps, and flushing of the skin. For them, organic wines are an especially good choice since they contain minimal amounts of sulfites that will in most cases lie below their threshold level.

[1]  http://www.allergy.org.au/patients/product-allergy/sulfite-allergy#sthash.cQCz5MSa.dpuf
[2]  http://www.allergy.org.au/images/pcc/ASCIA_PCC_Sulfite_sensitivity_2014.pdf

graphic source: http://alternative-doctor.com/allergies/sulfite-allergies/

Sulfites severely dehydrate the blood and are involved in the onset of stomach cancer.

July 7, 2015

Are You Prepared? Silver: The Best Emergency Remedy

Be Prepared Today - Silver has been used for thousands of years for natural medicine.

Transparent Gif File
Utilizing our unique SilverSol Technology®, we at ABL have developed possibly the most incredible wound care device products on the market today. Those products include the ASAP® Wound Dressing Gel with FDA cleared indications for cuts, burns, and skin irritations, as well as to the prescription product ASAP® Antibacterial Wound Dressing Gel with FDA cleared indications for the management of first and second degree burns, stasis ulcers, pressure ulcers, diabetic ulcers, lacerations, abrasions, skin tears, surgical incision sites, device insertion site wounds, grapft sites, and donor sites. ABL has also a registered bandage technology called the ASAP® Polar Patch, a hydrogel bandage that promotes wound healing. We believe we are changing the paradigm of health care as the world knows it, by engineering products that are natural, safe, and extremely effective.

THE FLOWER CHILD:  I use the liquid in conjunction with G.S.E. for all of my natural first aid.  Together as a combination, most deadly strains of bacteria/viruses cannot harm me or my family in the advent of an illness or serious emergency.  THIS BRAND IS THE ONLY SAFE SILVER, AND THE ONLY ONE THAT I RECOMMEND TO BE TAKEN INTERNALLY (GEL USED TOPICALLY).

July 6, 2015

Top Cancer Treatment - Now Under a New Brand

NOTE: The current name for MGN3 is NOW CALLED: Peak Immune 

How It Works

MGN-3 has been clinically shown to increase Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF – a cytokine involved in activating the immune system), and increase the number of critical white blood cells: NK-Cells, T-Cells and B-Cells. In other words, MGN-3 works by building the immune system.

MGN-3/Supports Killer T-Cell Activity*

“This potent immune system booster is manufactured using a patented process which hydrolyzes rice bran with the enzymatic extract from three different medicinal mushrooms: Shiitake, Kawaratake and Suehirotake. In Japan, these mushroom extracts have become the leading prescription treatments for cancer. MGN-3 Contains Arabinoxylane compound – The only natural immune complex that is clinically proven to triple natural killer (NK) cell protection, significantly enhances B-cell & T-cell activity and is supported by 7 published efficacy studies 
(72 human patients).”

Supercharging This Treatment

This substance is usually taken as part of a multi-faceted treatment plan because it is designed to build the immune system.

Source: Daiwa Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
*Consult physician for advice. Statements not evaluated by FDA.

July 2, 2015

Top Reasons To Cleanse: Environmental/Chemical Pollution

Environmental/Chemical Pollution

According to the EPA, there are over 80,000 chemicals in our air, of which, only a small percentage of which have been tested for safety. We breathe these in everyday, and more so if we live in a larger city.

The FDA does not have ANY approval measures on the cosmetic (body care, lotions, face creams) allowing harmful parabens [estrogen mimicker], into our markets harming uneducated consumers. If you go into your bathroom right now, and have a lotion or something you bought from a trendy lotion place, you may find the PARABEN chemical in the ingredients. Parabens confuse our endocrine and estrogen receptors. "Extremely harmful" to humans.

Poisons in our tap water due to municipal water filtration insufficiency.  Pharmaceutical drugs have been found in 22/24 cities (AP).  In Philadelphia, 56 drugs and their bi-products.  In Southern California, 18.5 million people were exposed to anti-epileptic and anti-anxiety medications.  In San Francisco, sex hormones were found at high levels in the city water.

post graphic credit: http://www.zmescience.com/ecology/environmental-issues/air-pollution-us-01092013/

July 1, 2015

Astragalus and Arabinogalactan ✿ Two Great Immune Boosters


1. Astragalus Root  
(Astragalus membranaceus)


∎   strong anti-viral to protect from getting colds and influenza
∎   stimulates the body's natural healing system, prevents internal diseases
∎   increases appetite, which helps persons lacking the desire to eat (with anorexia)
∎   increases blood cells from bone marrow
∎   increases the metabolism (animal research)
∎   reduces protein in the urine (animal research)
∎   used to prevent pulmonary tract infection in children
∎   used to prevent asthma and cough

Known as a Broad Spectrum: Anti-Bacterial/Anti-Viral
∎   broad spectrum use anti-viral/anti-bacterial (a natural anti-biotic1 against several deadly bacteria strains)
∎   immunostimulant (increases the body ability to heal and repair naturally)
∎   hematopoietic (increases the number of red blood cells released from bone)
∎   metabolic (increases the metabolism)
∎   increases the renal output of protein (releases protein via urine - important in kidney disease)
∎   decreases blood pressure* (dilation of peripheral blood vessels; lowers blood pressure)
∎   hepatoprotective (protects the liver from chemical damage and toxicity)
∎   inhibits oxidative stress (protects the cells from free-radicals damage - important in heart disease)

Cautions and Considerations:
  1. Astragalus has been tested to prevent asthma, cough, and cold.  TCM does not advise patients to take this herb after a cold or cough is apparent.
  2. When a patient displays a consistent amount of the emotion of anger, it is not advised to take Astragalus.  In TCM this herb is used to promote qi movement.  The emotion of anger is considered a complication due to its stagnating character.  See your licensed acupuncture practitioner to first clear this condition before using this herb.

Research Findings:
  1. Modern research has shown that Astragalus Root is proven to improve health in the following conditions with a very low toxicity:
    1. common cold, influenza2, pulmonary tract infection, upper respiratory infection, rhinitis, cough, asthma, peptic ulcer, gastric prolapse, rectal prolapse, hepatitis, immune disorder3, reversal of immune suppression, leukopenia, nephritis, psoriasis, Takayasu’s disease, prostatic hypertrophy, copper-induced poisioning

  2. Prevention of common colds and influenza:  In one study, 540 patients with past histories of frequent common colds and influenza were divided into two groups and received preventative treatment with Astragalus.  One group received 5 grams of Astragalus in pills three times daily, and the other group received 15 grams of Astragalus in decoction every other day.  All patients had two courses of 10 days treatment, with 5 days of rest in between courses.  The study reported that patients in both groups had similar results.  Both had almost 3 times lower risk of infection, and a shortened duration of infection.
  3. Immuno-stimulant: Subcutaneous injection of Astragalus increases white blood cells and multinuclear leukocytes in mice.  In addition, administration of Astragalus is associated with an enhanced production of IgM in mice. 1,2
  4. Anorexia Nervosa:  In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) this herb will help to promote a normal appetite when nausea and the lack of desire to eat is apparent.
  5. Hematopioetic:  Astragalus has been shown to increase the production and maturity of blood cells from the bone marrow. 3
  6. Pulmonary Tract Infection Preventative:  2ml of Astragalus solution  given daily, showed 94% effectiveness in prevention of respiratory tract infection in 100 children.
  7. Asthma and Cough:  A Astragalus preparation was injected (equivalent to 1 gram of dried herb) into a acu-point near the knee (ST36), bilaterally twice weekly for three months per course of treatment, for a total of 3 to 4 courses of treatment, with 2 weeks of rest between each course. Out of 41 patients in the study, there was a significant improvement in over 85% of the patients.  Even a moderate improvement was made in over 56%.  Furthermore, most patients noticed an increase in appetite and energy, improvement in quality of sleep and fewer episodes of infection.

Radix Astragali, Astragalus membranaceus Bge. var. monoholicus (Dge.) Hsiao (Meng Gu Huang Qi); Astragalus membranaceus(Fisch) Bge. (Mo Jiao Huang Qi), astragalus, Mongolian milkvetch root, membranous milkvetch root

  1. Bacillus dysenteriae (dysentery), Bacillus anthracis (anthrax), β-hemolytic-strepocuccus (strep), Corynebacterium diptheriae (diphtheria), Diplococcus pneumoniae (bacterial pneumonia), Staphylococcus aureus (“flesh-eating” staph, also known as M.R.S.A, methicillicin resistant staphylococcus aureus)
  2. Chinese Medical Herbology and Pharmacology, John K. Chen, Tina T. Chen, Art of Medicine Press, 2004
  3. Shan Xi Yi Xiao Za Zhi (Shanxi Journal of Medicine and Herbology), 1974; 5-6:57
  4. Biol Phar Bull, 1977; 1178-82
  5. Chinese Medical Herbology and Pharmacology, J. Chen, T. Chen, 2001
  6. http://www.webmd.com/heart/astragalus-root-heart-benefits-side-effects

The Flower Child Productions, Copyright 2015, All Rights Reserved.  The use of this content may be acquired only with written permission from: The Flower Child, and their Associates.  To obtain permission, please email:  flowerchildmedia@gmail.com

2. Arabinogalactan 
(Larix occidentalis)


For years I have used this amazing constituent for my own health treatment as well as my family. Unlike the herbs echinacea and goldenseal, arabinogalactan has the immuno-modulation power that takes care of a sore throat before it leads into an infection. I have taken it with 4000mg of Calcium Ascorbate (non-acidic vitamin C) per day safely [1]

I had the privilege of finding this herb just when I needed it while attending a full time master’s degree and raising a teenager. The more that I research about it, the more I have grown to appreciate the health benefits of taking this when I get run down, at the onset of a cold or flu, or even in the middle of a viral attack.

Because of this and the other remedies that I have discovered, I have not had to take western medicine prescribed antibiotic strains for over 20 years! I am a big fan of the Eclectic Institute’s, Larix 1000mg. I will have immediate results within 2 days, no side effects of bowel problems (due to the good bacteria getting destroyed from modern antibiotic treatment).

  • increased NK cell activity (natural anti-biotic agent)
  • decreased viral serum levels, remained decreased (natural anti-viral properties)
  • increased macrophage activity (helps with removing bacteria, helps to clean the blood)
  • effective against E.coli (anti-bacterial properties)
  • increased cytokine activity (natural anti-cancer chemicals)

Research Findings:
  1. Arabinogalactan has increased effectiveness when used with Calcium Ascorbate (buffered Vitamin C).
  2. When used in cases with HIV, arabinogalactan showed improvement in the susceptibility of HIV related infections.
  3. Pediatric Otitis Media, arabinogalactan showed a decrease in the amount and severity of infection.
  4. WHV (woodchuck hepatitis virus), serum levels decreased and remained decreased for over 41 days.


Abies gmelinii, AG, Ara-6, Arabinogalactan, Arabinogalactin, Dietary Fiber, Gmelinii, Larch, Larch Gum, Larch Tree, Larix, Larix dahurica, Larix decidua, Larix europaea, Larix gmelinii, Larix occidentalis, Lch, Mongolian Larch, Mongolian Larchwood, Pinus Larix, Soluble Fiber, Stractan, Western Larch, Western Larch Arabinogalactan, Wood Gum, Wood Sugar

  1. Cancer Immunology Immunotherapy, Springer-Verlag 1993, Mechanism of stimulation of human natural killer cytotoxicity by arabinogalactan from Larix occidentalis, Jochen Hauer and F. Alfred Anderer
  2. Journal of Naturopathic Medicine, Volume 6, Number 1, Larch Arabinogalactan, Peter D’Adamo, ND

The Flower Child Productions, Copyright 2015, All Rights Reserved.  The use of this content may be acquired only with written permission from: The Flower Child, and their Associates.  To obtain permission, please email:  flowerchildmedia@gmail.com