August 30, 2015

Real Living: What to Buy and Why

Lisa-Dawn Sheridan, MA
Real Living Section :  
What to Buy and Why

Grapefruit Seed Extract (GSE) is a powerful antiseptic, fungicide, and bactericide, so basically during an earthquake or illness in the home, GSE is INDISPENSABLE!  It is very, very strong and needs to be diluted (example 30 drops per cup for intense cleaning and wound cleansing).  Soak or spray the affected area several times per day.  This will not hurt you or cause any side effects.  It can be taken internally.  So, whether it be a kitchen sink or dishes that is treated for nasty black mold invasion, or just a stubborn sore that will not heal this application of soaking or spraying is my favorite to prevent the deadly MRSA from hurting my family.  (See GSE Clean Spray Section on sidetab).

Rescue Remedy by Bach Flowers is the most popular mixture from the Bach Flower Remedies. That is why it is the best selling stress remedy in the world over the past 100 years. It is actually 6 flowers that come to the assistance of the individual needing to be emotionally rescued.  Rescue Remedy to the Rescue!

Shilijit (Shee-li-jeet) originated in the hight Himalayan mountains and is the most important converter of heavy metal toxicity due to it's vast array of minerals (up to 82 essential minerals).  I mix the powder in my daily tea, or drink it with water - detoxing from the inside out. The taste is bitter, as most heat draining detoxifier's are. Mixed with shea butter, I make my own healthy moisturizer and apply it daily. It gives my skin a healthy bronze and detox's from the outside in. Available at most healthfood or specialty stores.  See the book, Shilijit in Perspective for all scientific data. 

And please feel free to ask me a question - as this stuff can be confusing and sound a bit strange, but give it a try. These supplements are not expensive. I have researched the products that I use and recommend.

The Flower Child Blog/Media is a platform for sharing vital health research information. Affecting the lives of millions of people, positively, with helpful realtime information, personal stories, and affordable solutions.

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August 28, 2015

Great Skin = Strong Bones

Women's Wrinkles and Relation to Bone Density

Scientific studies have now revealed that a women’s
bone density can be determined by
examining her wrinkles 
during her first few years of menopause.

According to these studies, the worse a woman skin wrinkles are during the first few years of menopause, the lower her bone density is. 

Conducted on over 114 women in their late 40's and early 50's who had their last menstrual period within the past three years and who were not taking hormone therapy.

The women were given scores for face and neck wrinkles based on a number of sites with wrinkles and on the depth of the wrinkles. 

Moreover, the skin firmness or rigidity was measured at the forehead and the cheek with a device called a durometer. 

Great Skin = Strong Bones

Besides that participants also underwent measurement of bone density by dual X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) and by a portable heel ultrasound device. The researchers found a significant opposite correlation between the wrinkle score and bone density, means higher the score of wrinkles (or the more wrinkles these women had), the lower the bone density. This relationship was evident at all skeletal sites: hip, lumbar spine and heel. This was independent of age, body composition or other factors known to influence bone density.

So, how do I maintain strong bones?
What this means for us ladies, is the stronger the bones - the more youthful we can stay as we age. To be realistic this is a lifelong process. While in my teens my diet was horrible, but I played sports and had a vigorous exercise program everyday (1-2 hours at the gym, aerobic/weights. In my twenties practiced acid/alkline approach to eating and living. This revolutionized my health. And in my thirties consumed only green products: green drinks, AFA algae from Klammath lake. Didn't really even care to drink water. The green drinks and algae were my daily beverage - and very high in calcium/magnesium.

Did you know that over-the-counter or prescribed calcium has a very high incidence of settling in the venous system? This basically clogs the pipes of our heart and cardiac system. Not good for the blood, the heart and the entire circulation system. This has been a problem with heart patients with an incidence of atherosclerosis, and proven in numerous cardiology findings to contribute to heart attack. So my thinking has always been that if it is not getting to bone and settling in the venous system, why do it? Why not go back to nature for the answers to bone health?

SOLUTION: Bone Density
There are great sources of calcium from plants, roses, but watch the corn sources (corn contains a high level of molds from the tusks). Even broccoli has been known to be higher in calcium than cow's milk. The Nutrition Almanac has been a great source to see what foods are known for their mineral makeup. It's not gospel truth, because every broccoli batch depend on growers care, soil, and shipping - GMO. My favorite product to take for a calcium supplement to my daily diet is Trace Minerals Company. It's a calcium liquid. I have trusted this particular product for many years and will continue to call it the best. The have an array of other minerals that are needed to build and maintain bone density.

Make good choices with your health 
The Flower Child Blog/Media is a platform for sharing vital health research information. Affecting the lives of millions of people, positively, with helpful realtime information, personal stories, and affordable solutions.

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Email Us: flowerchildmedia@icloud

August 20, 2015

RESILIENT HEALTH: Breast Cancer and Lifestyle

Thermography Info

RESILIENT HEALTH: Breast Cancer and Lifestyle 

We are all aware that cancer is a top reason for getting our lifestyle in order. Many feel like they have to have a college education in nutrition, chemistry, and physiology to really understand the simple habits that can be incorporated every day to improve your life, emotions, and overall well-being.

Although, having a degree in natural medicine (MA Acupuncture), the approach my team has always employed is to teach patients the awareness methods needed to heal themselves.To take care of their health themselves that will quickly and effectively work.To avoid reverting to outside options.This includes learning about new ways to approach emotional situations, and know how to cure yourself physically. 

"To give them a fishing pole, not just a fish."

Yes, I am aware for many you are fickle to natural medicine. But think about it this way; what did your ancestors do for thousands of years? Modern methods have only existed a fraction of the time that man has roamed the earth. Herbs, meditation, prayer, rest, good water, have overcome illness and disease historically -- and successfully.

Let me preface this by saying: my team is not against modern techniques of diagnostics, treatment and early detection by western medicine. We have had astronomical advances in scientific means to identify illness, the objection is with the way that treatment is currently being carried out. Morbidity rate from bacterial resistance, the number of pharmaceuticals that are unnecessary, addictive, and the accidental death incidences from mixing the wrong medications and the countless side effects and contraindications.

Okay, so with being said, we have to seriously examine our every day lifestyle. Diet, career stress, personal stress, exercise, genetic potential for disease -- all play a critical factor in the quality of our cells, and their resistance to disease.


❗️ Today there are more than 2.8 million women with a history of breast cancer
❗️ Mutations of the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes are the most common
❗️ About 85% of breast cancers occur in women who have no family history


✅  Examine the areas of health you need to focus on. Be open for positive change.
✅  Make realistic goals, target the most to the least (Ex. smoking, weight-loss, skin, etc.)
✅  Understand the realities of which remedy is most helpful, not just spending your time money and resources on marketing hype. Ask experts, friends, and be leery of online information as most reports on products may not have proper scientific validation.

      PERSONAL NOTE: After suffering with the risk of lymphoma for over 2 years, I have greatly adjusted lifestyle, choices in what activities to participate, and put the focus on increasing my stress "cope-ability". This came easily with some simple changes, and actually re-reading my own book. Since my survival, I continue to actively seek the research from trusted and well-respected resources.

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August 10, 2015

Research/Reasons on How to Consume Only GOOD SUGAR

Lisa-Dawn Sheridan, MA
The Flower Child

"Caloric restriction (CR) is the 
most effective method of slowing aging
preventing diseases such as 
atherosclerosis, diabetes and cancer, 
and extending maximum life span in mammals. 
Since the 1930s, studies in rats, mice, monkeys 
and other species, have demonstrated 
that CR can maintain life, 
health and youth in animals 
for extended periods of time."
-LEF  (Life Extension Foundation)

More Research  (Anti-Aging, Disease Prevention) 
In 1973, an important study at Loma Linda University examined the effects of sugar (sucrose), glucose, fructose, honey, orange juice, and starch on the phagocytic index. [This study explains how your body's defense system is disabled as a result of the consumption of most commercially offered simple sugars]. The index was highest about 30 minutes after starch [or sugars], were ingested. The other materials-all sugars-caused the phagocytic index to decrease greatly. The index was lowest two hours after digesting the sugar. (Dr. Nancy Appleton, author of Lick the Sugar Habit).

What this means is astounding! That after ingesting 2 TABLESPOONS of regular sugar, your body's defense system is impaired for up to 2 hours. New studies now, say that immune system may compromised for up to 5 hours.

Do you ever wonder why kids get sick right after the Halloween holiday? Makes sense, right?  A further explanation of how this process affects your health, is included in The Flower Child's latest book, 
8-Weeks-to-Indigo, (slated for release September, 2015). 

✅   Sin-Free Sugar 
✅   Xylitol 
✅   Glyconutrients

In my latest book, I explain how sugars affect the aging process as well as all major diseases.  We essentially have an "energy bank account" that is determined how much energy we have. This is important when stimulants, sugar, toxins, even emotional disturbances, drain our savings, and create an imbalanced state - our energy bank account gets drained and heavy withdrawals occur. This results in a lower balance of your energy account and results in serious swing back effect: aging and disease.

The new book, 8-Weeks-to-Indigo, now completes decades of research that will prove how to achieve prolonged, quality, living. Through everyday, easy to do steps, these methods date back to ancient times when natural cures were commonplace in the home and can help you right now, today. Our modern disease promoting lifestyles, emotional patterns, what we are choosing to eat/consume, and the lack of controlling of the level of damage. Understand how to change and how more Indigo is the key!

The Flower Child's ultimate mission is to help others to achieve their best state of wellness. We hope that we have been able to help you are and your family these past few years. Leave a comment or question. Thank you for your readership.

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August 4, 2015

RESILIENT HEALTH: Pure Drinking Water, Important?

RESILIENT HEALTH: Pure Drinking Water, Important?

Crater Lake, OR
Dehydration:  lack of hunger, lack of thirst, headaches, unexplained weight-gain or the inability to lose weight, and many more symptoms including hypertension, can be traced back to dehydration.

Did you pack PURE water for the workday?  
Do you have PURE water for your family?

Unfortunately, both questions are usually answered with no. However, people have made eating "organic" or raw food* a priority over water. Food is merely the supplier of micronutrients, fibers, proteins, and carbohydrates. However, if an adequate amount of clean PURE water is not consumed vital inorganic substances will not be dissolved. This condition is necessary for the cell to perform vital functions.(1)

In plants, water is necessary to wash away small particulates, or the plant will not be fed.  Plant blood (chlorophyll) closely resembles human blood, and the bio-mechanisms operate quite similar.

Daily Scenario:  In a hurry in the morning, you woke up late as usual. The depression is a little better today. The thought that maybe the boss won't be in today is refreshing, maybe even a little motivating. Getting dressed seemed to go better with feeling overweight.
Okay, breakfast. Not really feeling a big breakfast so you grab a banana to kill the hunger. Next, packing a lunch.  Even worse, since now you don't feel hungry after the high sugar from the banana hits your blood. You debate on last nights leftovers of salty lasagna, or better thought, to get something at the local fast food place on lunch break. 
The headache that you had yesterday seems to still be lingering as you put on your last best self before you hit the road. Sound familiar?

All of the above, depression, headache, lack of hunger, lack of thirst, and weight gain can be attributed to the lack of drinking enough PURE water.

SOLUTION: Drink Half of Your Body's Weight in Ounces Everyday

Consume the adequate amount of PURE water everyday*:  1/2 of your body weight in ounces.  No plastic bottled water**. Filtered R.O. water from a system you trust. The best water choice has been purified to a .05 micron level (pharmaceutical grade), resin filters to eliminate all chlorine (immune suppressor), and flouride (toxic to the nervous system). Cost should be well under $2,000. Do not get involved with multi-level marketing companies. We can recommend ethical companies that have conducted lab studies and guarantee their systems provide as close to PURE as possible.

Raw foodists will have a larger volume of water intake from these water-bearing foods, but not the amount needed everyday. 

** The Essentia company filters flouride and the bottle is safe.
(1)  Life and Energy, by Isaac Asimov (pp. 354-355)

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August 2, 2015

Sunshine May Help Asthma, Research from Spain

Research, which is part of the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC) and was led by the Public Health Centre in Castellón, Spain, revealed that children living in colder, wetter cities are more alike to suffer from asthma due to the lack of sunlight.

The vitmaincan be found in some foods like fish (such as salmon, mackerel and tuna) as well as fish liver oils.Vitamin D is also present in beef liver, egg yolks and cheese. Some mushrooms also provide variable amounts of vitamin.

Whereas, prolonged time of sun exposure can cause cancer, no sunlight at all is also dangerous. Only through exposure to the sun the vitamin D can be synthesized. Thisvitamin can be found in various cell receptors, and is usually found at lower levels in people who suffer from asthma. A balanced level of exposure to the sun is necessary to the assimilation of vitamin D, which is extremely important to prevent illnesses such asasthma, tuberculosis and others.

The research examined more than 45,000 children and teenagers across Spain, from nine different cities. The study showed that climatic conditions, mainly the quantity of solar radiation, can explain most of the times the link between geographical location and the prevalence of asthma.

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August 1, 2015

Reishi Mushroom Research Favorable with Top Cancer Center
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center:
Major Cancer Research and Treatment Center Reports that Reishi Mushroom is Favorable

"Reishi mushroom has antioxidant properties and may enhance immune response."
Reishi mushroom contains complex sugars known as beta-glucans that may stop the growth and prevent spread of cancer cells. When animals were fed beta-glucans, some cells of their immune system became more active. Limited data from clinical studies suggest reishi can strengthen immune response in humans. In addition, reishi mushrooms contain sterols [prostate health/cholesterol] that can act as precursors to hormones in the body, along with substances called triterpenes that may have blood pressure-lowering and anti-allergy/anti-histamine effects. Reishi mushrooms have also been shown to slow the process of blood clotting.
Reishi mushroom can cause toxicity in some immune cells. More studies are needed to show that it is safe and effective for cancer treatment.
