August 4, 2015

RESILIENT HEALTH: Pure Drinking Water, Important?

RESILIENT HEALTH: Pure Drinking Water, Important?

Crater Lake, OR
Dehydration:  lack of hunger, lack of thirst, headaches, unexplained weight-gain or the inability to lose weight, and many more symptoms including hypertension, can be traced back to dehydration.

Did you pack PURE water for the workday?  
Do you have PURE water for your family?

Unfortunately, both questions are usually answered with no. However, people have made eating "organic" or raw food* a priority over water. Food is merely the supplier of micronutrients, fibers, proteins, and carbohydrates. However, if an adequate amount of clean PURE water is not consumed vital inorganic substances will not be dissolved. This condition is necessary for the cell to perform vital functions.(1)

In plants, water is necessary to wash away small particulates, or the plant will not be fed.  Plant blood (chlorophyll) closely resembles human blood, and the bio-mechanisms operate quite similar.

Daily Scenario:  In a hurry in the morning, you woke up late as usual. The depression is a little better today. The thought that maybe the boss won't be in today is refreshing, maybe even a little motivating. Getting dressed seemed to go better with feeling overweight.
Okay, breakfast. Not really feeling a big breakfast so you grab a banana to kill the hunger. Next, packing a lunch.  Even worse, since now you don't feel hungry after the high sugar from the banana hits your blood. You debate on last nights leftovers of salty lasagna, or better thought, to get something at the local fast food place on lunch break. 
The headache that you had yesterday seems to still be lingering as you put on your last best self before you hit the road. Sound familiar?

All of the above, depression, headache, lack of hunger, lack of thirst, and weight gain can be attributed to the lack of drinking enough PURE water.

SOLUTION: Drink Half of Your Body's Weight in Ounces Everyday

Consume the adequate amount of PURE water everyday*:  1/2 of your body weight in ounces.  No plastic bottled water**. Filtered R.O. water from a system you trust. The best water choice has been purified to a .05 micron level (pharmaceutical grade), resin filters to eliminate all chlorine (immune suppressor), and flouride (toxic to the nervous system). Cost should be well under $2,000. Do not get involved with multi-level marketing companies. We can recommend ethical companies that have conducted lab studies and guarantee their systems provide as close to PURE as possible.

Raw foodists will have a larger volume of water intake from these water-bearing foods, but not the amount needed everyday. 

** The Essentia company filters flouride and the bottle is safe.
(1)  Life and Energy, by Isaac Asimov (pp. 354-355)

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